Summer 2020 Newsletter
Favorite Daylilies This Week
August 12, 2020
It is now August in the nursery fields and gardens and the Mid-Late Daylilies and the Late Daylilies continue the Daylily Season. We continue to water and the daylilies seem to be enjoying the heat of the August Garden. There are still hundreds of daylilies in bloom today. Here are a few of the daylilies that still have lots of bloom and have been catching our eye.
Asiatic Pheasant (6", M., 26" $10) | August Flame (5 1/4", V.L, 38" $12) |
Back to School (4 1/2", V.L., 42", $25) | Decatur Stimulator (6", M.L., 28", $12) |
Dune Dumpling (5", L., 19", $15) | Lady Tiger (5 1/2", M. to M.L., 26", $15) |
Lilly Dache ( 8", M.L., 40" $12) | Orchid Corsage (7 1/2", M.L., 32" $12) |
Red Rooster (5 3/4, L., 28" $18) | Shaker Dance (7", M.L. to L., 280" $12) |
Sonora Sunset (4 1/2, M., 24" $18) | State Fair (6 1/2", M. to M. L., 40", $10) |
Unkie (6", L., 34", $10) | Velvet Butterfly (7", M.", 36" $12) |
Zinnias, Sunflowers and Other Annuals
August 5, 2020
In May, I asked everyone to plant annuals, especially zinnias. And this week in the nursery gardens the zinnias, sunflowers, verbenas, cosmos, cleome, four o'clocks and much more are the stars. They are also highly favored by butterflies and other pollinators, who can be found everywhere.
My favorite climbing annuals, the scarlet runner beans, purple hyacinth beans and cardinal creeper are also scrambling up posts, taller flowers and the chicken coop. They are favorites with the hummingbirds. We also planted lots of salvia, fuchsia and cuphea (firecracker flower) for the hummingbirds. This year we seem to have more hummingbirds than ever with lots of babies racing through the gardens and to the feeders. Their chatter is our constant companion.
It is all quite a sight to see in the vegetable garden and around the chicken coop, as well as along the driveway. A happy accident occurred when I handed someone a packet of Persian Carpet zinnias to plant along a boxwood hedge. He got carried away and under planted the sweetfern along the driveway. I have never seen sweetfern look so good. There are hundreds of brightly colored zinnias blooming just above the foliage. And yes, the daylilies are still blooming too, and there are lots of them to see. It's a great time to explore the mid lates and late blooming daylilies.
Yesterday's storm gave us very little of the much-needed rain, just one tenth of an inch, but it certainly brought the wind. Some of the sunflowers in the vegetable garden came crashing down, and we had to stake a few of the zinnias. Fortunately, the mass of sunflowers along the driveway are intact. We are still without power (except for the generator), but the phones are now back online.
Zinnias and cosmos, along the Vegetable Garden path, with scarlet runner beans and purple hyacinths beans climbing a post in the background. | The Chicken Coop surrounded by zinnias, sunflowers, scarlet runner beans and purple hyacinth beans as well as morning glories. |
Zinnias for the butterflies and salvia for the hummingbirds, a pollinator heaven! | What a happy accident! Persian carpet zinnias blooming through the sweet fern. |
This Monarch lost half its wing, likely in yesterday's storm. It is still flying and savoring the flowers. | The sunflowers along the driveway withstood the winds, and are still intact. The goldfinches will continue to enjoy the feast. |
Favorite Daylilies This Week
July 29, 2020
Peak bloom was just a week ago, and the daylilies are continuing to produce an enormous amount of color in the fields. The Mid season daylilies continue and the Mid Late daylilies have started. There are even a few Late season daylilies showing their first blossoms. The 1/2 inch of rain last night was also helpful in cooling the earth and giving everything a much needed quenching. Here are a few of the daylilies that still have lots of bloom and have been catching our eye.
Bowl of Cherries (3 3/4", M., 29" $18) | Carolyn Emma (5", M., 32" $10) |
Centerpiece (6 1/2", M., 26", $15) | Cheerful Note (3 1/4", M., 25", $10) |
Damascan Velvet (6", M.L., 20", $18) | Decatur Luminaria (5 1/2", M., 30", $12) |
Double Dixie ( M.L., 30" $12) | Ethel Shepherd (6", M., 30" $12) |
Fanciful Candy (4 1/4", M., 21", $15) | Finlandia Gold (6 1/2", M.L.", 30" $12) |
Ice Carnival (6", M., 28" $12) | John Jacob (5 3/4", M.L., 30" $18) |
Jungle Beauty (5 1/2", M., 30" $12) | Luscious Honeydew (6 1/2", M., 30" $12) |
Pemaquid Light (8", M.L., 36" $15) | Penobscot (5", M., 34" $18) |
Saratoga Pinwheel (6 1/2", M., 32" $15) | Strawberry Swirl (5 1/2", M., 30" $18) |
Valentine Day (6 1/2", M., 27" $18) | Yellow Pinwheel (8" M.L., 32" $12) |
July 22, 2020
Today is the day. We think peak bloom has finally arrived. Daylily bloom will continue with loads of color in the fields the next two week. The fields are full of color and a majority of our 2000 plus daylilies are now in bloom. Below are a few that struck our eye today.
Aerial (2 1/2", M., 34" $12) | Bela Lugosi (6" M., 33" $15) |
Beth Barth (6 1/2", M.L., 36", $12) | Bittersweet Honey (2 3/4", M., 28", $10) |
Cedar Waxwing (6", M., 34", $12) | Classic Caper (5", M., 30", $15) |
Double Corsage (6", M., 28" $12) | Double Cranberry (4 1/2", M., 18" $12) |
Fire Tree (4 1/2", M., 28", $12) | Hot Town (4 1/2", M.L.", 28" $12) |
Lemon Mint (5 1/2", M., 36" $12) | Lilac Snow (6", M., 28" $12) |
Mountain Violet (5", M., 28" $15) | Oodles (4 1/2", M., 24" $12) |
Rare China (6", M., 38" $15) | Red Thrill (6 1/2", M., 40" $18) |
Siloam Space Age (2 7/8", M. to L., 24" $15) | Snowy Apparition (6 1/2", E.M., 30" $12) |
With Bells On (5", M., 37" $15) | Zella Virginia (5 1/2" M., 24" $12) |
July 15, 2020
This is the week. Peak Daylily Season is here! In the next few days we will reach the maximum peak. The fields are full of color and a majority of our 2000 plus daylilies are now in bloom. Below our a few that struck our eye.
Bama Music (5", M., 28" $10) | Blazing Torch (6" M., 24" $10) |
Carpenter Shavings (4", M., 21", $15) | Cherry Ice Cream (5", M.L., 26", $18) |
Chicago Blackout (6", M., 30", $15) | Coral Sparkler (2 3/4", E.M., 25", $10) |
Dark Star (7", E.M., 32" $12) | Decatur Treasure Chest (7", E.M., 30" $12) |
Double Tulip (4", M.L., 30", $12) | Ed Murray (4", M.", 30" $12) |
Enchanted Eyes (4 5/8", E.M., 30" $10) | Fawn (2 1/2", E., 20" $10) |
Grape Ice (6", M., 36" $12) | Lavender Illusion (6", E.M., 24" $15) |
Mini Pearl (3", E.M., 16" $15) | Mokan Bitone (6 1/2", M., 20" $15) |
Pandora's Box (4", E.M., 19" $10) | Queen of Roses (6 1/2", M., 30" $15) |
Ruffled Apricot (7", E.M., 28" $12) | Strawberry Candy (4 1/4" E.M., 26" $12) |
July 8, 2020
Daylily Season has arrived at Tranquil Lake Nursery. The early mid daylilies and some early bloomers are still making a show, but the mid season (July) daylilies have also arrived. Peak season will occur sometime in the next week. Below are just a few of the hundreds of daylilies blooming today.
Alabama Jubilee (7", M., 30" $15) | Always Afternoon (5 1/2" E., 22" $15) |
Ann Kelley (5 1/2", E.M., 26", $15) | At Ease (6 1/2", M., 28", $10) |
Ben Kirk (6", M., 36", $10) | Cinnamon Roll (5", M., 30", $10) |
Decatur Supreme (5 1/4", E.M., 30" $15) | Deliverance (6 1/2", E.M., 30" $10) |
Grape Arbor (6", E.M., 24", $12) | Henna Copper (5", E.", 30" $15) |
Mary Grady (5 1/2", M., 30" $10) | Open Hearth (9", M., 26" $15) |
Shola (8", M., 28" $12) | Whickerbill (3 1/2", M., 28" $10) |
June 30, 2020
There are 180 daylilies blooming in the fields at Tranquil Lake Nursery today, Tuesday, June 30, 2020. This is almost 3 times as many as last week, and quite a few more than the same week in 2019 (109), 2018 (142) and 2017 (98). Daylily season is here, and starting to move towards peak bloom in mid-July. Here are just a few of the daylilies on this week's list of blooming daylilies.
Apres Moi (5 1/2", E., 30", fragrant $12) | Bejeweled (6" M., 28", reblooms $10) |
Decatur Jewel (3", E.M., 44", $12) | Diamond Anniversary (6 1/2", E.M., 32", fragrant $12) |
Dominic (5 1/2", E.M., 30", $10) | Double Old Ivory (4 1/2", E.M., 30", $12) |
First Rose of Summer (4 1/8" E., 34" $18) | Funny Valentine (5 1/2", E.M., 28" $15) |
Lady Mary Duke (6 1/2", E.M., 26", reblooms $15) | May May (3 1/2", E. to L.", 30" fragrant, nocturnal $12) |
Mountain Violet (5", M., 28" $15) | Red Dundancy (3 1/8", E.M. to L., 25", reblooms $18) |
Solid Mahogany (6", M., 26" $18) | Spice Cake (6", E.M., 34" $12) |
June 24, 2020
There are 64 daylilies blooming in the fields at Tranquil Lake Nursery today, Wednesday, June 24, 2020. This is more than twice as many daylilies as a week ago (29). This week we are staring to see daylilies in the red, pink lavender, and near white colors as well as yellow and orange. The daylily season is starting to move towards peak bloom in mid-July. Here are just a few of the daylilies on this week's list of blooming daylilies.
Alnilam (4", ExE., 28", $10) | Barbara Crochet (5 1/2" E.M., 22", $10) |
Clifford (5", E.M., 26", $15) | Golden Chimes (3", E.M., 46", $12) |
In Strawberry Time (4", Ex.E., 18", Nocturnal $12) | Innocent Baby (3 1/2", E.M., 18", $10) |
Marshall Dillon (6", M., 26", Fragrant $18) | Orange Prelude (6", Ex. E., 28" Fragrant $12) |
Patterns (4 1/2", E., 26", Fragrant $10) | Preview Party (6", E., 25", $10) |
Sent from Heaven (6", E.M., 18" $12) | Strawberry Velvet (5", 26", M., $15) |
June 17, 2020
There are 29 daylilies blooming in the fields at Tranquil Lake Nursery today, June 17, 2020. The daylily season seems to be similar to last year. Some of the extra early (ExE.) blooming daylilies have now finished, while other are still making a showing and the early daylilies (E.) have joined them. We anticipate peak bloom around the middle of July, and then daylilies bloom will continue until frost. Most early booming daylilies are in the yellow and orange hues. Here are just a few of the daylilies on this week's list of blooming daylilies.
Busting Out All Over (3", ExE. to L, 27" reblooms 3x, $15) | Lemon Prelude (21" ExE., 5", 18", Ex.E., Fragrant $12) |
Liebling (2 3/4", 28", Ex. E., $18) | Queen of Gonsalves (5", 36", Ex.E. $15) |
Saratoga Springtime (6", 24", Ex.E., fragrant $15) | Spring Fantasy (6.5", 36", Ex.E. $12) |
Sun Glory (4 1/2", 35", E. $15) | Three Seasons (2 7/8", 21", E. to V. L., $12) |
June 10, 2020
There are 17 daylilies blooming in the fields at Tranquil Lake Nursery today, June 10, 2020. We saw the first blooms on Apricot, Dumortierii and Elizabeth around the first of June, along with the Siberian Iris. While spring was cold here in the northeast, and we had a frost in the fields in mid May, the daylilies seem to be on track with the past 2 years. Most early booming daylilies are in the yellow and orange hues. Here are just a few of the daylilies on this week's list of blooming daylilies.
Beautiful Dreamer (3 1/4", 38", E, fragrant $12) | Bitsy (1 1/2", 18", Ex.E., Nocturnal, Rebloom $12) |
Esperanza (4 1/2", 22", Ex. E., fragrant $20) | Flavina (3 1/2". 24", Ex.E., fragrant $12) |
Just in June (4", 32", Ex.E., fragrant $12) | Me First (3", 32", Ex.E. $10) |
Orangeman (24", Ex.E. $10) | Spring Purple (5", 36", Ex.E. $15) |