Summer 2017 Newsletter
Favorite Daylilies This Week
August 31, 2017
Summer wanes but the daylilies continue to bloom in the fields and gardens. There are many less daylilies this time of year, however many that do bloom in late August and September are quite beautiful. Below are a few of our favorite daylilies that are now blooming, and still have loads of buds that will keep them in blossom for several more weeks. Plan a visit soon to see the September daylilies and those that continue into October.
View List of 187 Daylilies blooming Today.
Hallelujah White (7", 26", $18) | Winemaker (4", 28", $12) |
September Winner (5", 26", $18) | Richard (5", 48", $15) |
August Flame (5 1/4", 38", $12) | Glowing Remembrance (5", 25", $15) |
Tahitian Sunrise (5", 30", $18) |
Sweet Butter Cream (5", 32", $18) |
Autumn Minaret (4", 66", $12) | Snow Line (4 1/2", 21", $18) |
Final Touch (4 3/4", 32", $18) | Back to School (4", 42", $25) |
Last Quarter (6 1/2", 34", $18) | Challenger (4 1/2", 48", $15) |
Wee Willie Winkie (2", 36", $15) | Orchid Corsage (7 1/2", 32", $12) |
August 14, 2017
Favorite Daylilies This Week
The Mid-Late season continues at Tranquil Lake Nursery and the Late Season Daylilies are now in full bloom. There is still an amazing amount of color in the our gardens and fields. Below are a few of our favorite daylilies that are now blooming, and still have loads of buds that will keep them in blossom for several more weeks. Plan a visit soon to see the August blooming daylilies and those that continue into September and October.
Sherwood Cheer (5 1/2", 32", $15) | Yellow Pinwheel (8", 32", $15) |
Light Effects (6 3/4", 25", $18) | Holiday Delight (6 1/4", 28", $12) |
Chicago Apache (5", 27", $12) | Velvet Butterfly (7", 36", $10) |
Faith Kipp Brown (5 1/2", 26", $15) |
Melonade (5 1/4", 32", $18) |
Chicago Cardinal (6", 32", $12) | Heidi Eidelweiss (5", 24", $15) |
Cream Sachet (7", 32", $18) | Postscript (6 1/2", 27", $15) |
Stylish (4 1/2", 28", $18) | Starstruck (5 1/2", 24", $15) |
Louise Branscomb (6 1/2", 22", $18) | Mexicana (6 1/4", 28", $18) |
Favorite Daylilies This Week
August 2, 2017
The absolute peak of daylily bloom arrived the weekend on July 21 and 22 in our gardens and fields. Daylily season continues. The Early-mid daylilies have now passed. Some of the mid-season continue to bloom, while the mid late and late daylilies are now making quite a showing. While the fields are not the overwhelming riot of color that they were a few weeks ago, there is still plenty of color. Below are a few of our favorite daylilies that have just begun blooming this week, and still have loads of buds that will keep them in blossom for several more weeks. Plan a visit soon to see the August blooming daylilies and those that continue into September and October.
Fuchsia Dream (7 1/2", 28", $12) | Knight Templar (6", 24", $18) |
Soot Storm (5 1/2", 26", $12) | Aquarelle (5 1/2", 24", $18) |
Bittersweet Honey (2", 28", $10) | New Wine (5", 30", $12) |
Prissy Petticoats (4 1/2", 29", $12) |
Palmistry (8 1/2", 36", $18) |
Red Jet (6", 31", $15) | Findlandia Sunrise (6 3/4", 30", $15) |
Lemon Frost (7", 28", $12) | Hot Town (4 1/2", 28", $15) |
Sherwood Sweet Olivia (4 3/4", 25", $15) | Eleanor Louise (6 1/2", 24", $20) |
Far and Away (5 1/2", 22", $18) | Howard Goodson (6", 28", $15) |
Favorite Daylilies This Week
July 26, 2017
Peak daylily season continues at Tranquil Lake Nursery. The Mid Season daylilies are now blooming and many of the mid-lates and even the late season daylilies have started to bloom as well. It is truly a colorful site in the fields. Below are a few of our favorite daylilies that are blooming this week, from among the 2,000 varieties that we grow. Plan a visit soon to immerse yourself in the rainbow of color and blossoms.
Apres Moi (5", 30", $12) | Black Pearl (2 1/4", 16", $12) |
Chicago Silver (6", 30", $12) | Coral Sparkler (2 3/4", 25", $10) |
Crinoline Skirts (5", 24", $15) | Decatur Jewel (4", 24", $12) |
Double Joanna (6", 30", $12) |
Double Prize (5", 24", $12) |
Frandean (6 1/2", 20", $18) | Grape Arbor (6", 24", $10) |
John Philip Sousa (5 1/4", 23", $18) | Lavender illusion (6", 24", $15) |
Melody Lane (6", 36", $10) | Melon Extract (4", 30", $15) |
Mini Pearl (3", 16", $12) | Mulberry Rose (5 1/2", 28", $12) |
Orchid Corsage (7 1/2", 32", $12) | Parian Marble (7", 28", $18) |
Pink Cherry (6", 33", $15) | Rum Plum (5 1/2", 28", $12) |
Sir Mordred (5 1/2", 24", $15) | Skiatook Cardinal (6", 28", $12) |
Sunset Prize (6", 29", $18) | Trahlyta (6 1/2", 30", $12) |
Vera Biaglow (6", 28", $15) | Zella Virginia (5 1/2", 24", $12) |
Favorite Daylilies This Week
July 18, 2017
Peak daylily season is finally here at Tranquil Lake Nursery. Below are a few of our favorite daylilies that are blooming this week, from among the 2,000 varieties that we grow. Plan a visit soon to immerse yourself in the rainbow of color and blossoms.
Double Old Ivory (4 1/2", 30", $15) | Texas Dancing (6", 26", $12) |
Addie Branch Smith (4", 24", $10) | Janice Brown (4 1/4", 21", $15) |
Aga Khan (5", 28", $18) | Heavy Makeup (5", 26", $15) |
Lady Louise (6", 28", $18) | Revolute (7", 48", $15) |
Violet Shadows (5", 22", $18) | Valentine Day (6 1/2" 27", $18) |
Solar Power (7", 34", $15) | Findlandia Sunrise (6 3/4", 30", $15) |
Forsyth Pearl Drop (4 1/2", 23", $18) | Parade of Peacocks (8", 30", $20) |
Favorite Daylilies This Week
July 12, 2017
Peak Daylily season has finally arrived at Tranquil Lake Nursery. We are very close to peak bloom. Below are a few of our favorite daylilies this week, from among the 2,000 varieties that we grow. Plan a visit soon to immerse yourself in the rainbow of color and blossoms.
Red Cossack (4 3/4", 31", $15) | Daylily Fields |
Decatur Supreme (5 1/4", 30", $15) | Dark Star (7", 32", $15) |
Head Tide (6", 30", $15) | Lady Mary Duke (6 1/2", 22", $15) |
Blueberry Breakfast (5", 22", $18) | Zagora (5", 28", $12) |
Dallas Star (6 1/2", 28", $12) | Solid Mahogany (6", 26", $18) |
Strawberry Velvet (5", 26", $12) | Mountain Violet (5", 28", $12) |
Spice Cake (6", 34", $12) | Kindly Light (7", 28", $12) |